Friday, December 27, 2019

Key Concepts in Conversation Analysis

Though a man succeeds, he should not (as is frequently the case) engross the whole talk to himself; for that destroys the very essence of conversation, which is talking together .(William Cowper, On Conversation, 1756) In recent years, the related fields of discourse analysis and conversation analysis have deepened our understanding of the ways in which language is used in everyday life. Research in these fields has also widened the focus of other disciplines, including rhetoric and composition studies. To acquaint you with these fresh approaches to language study, weve put together a list of 15 key concepts related to the ways we talk. All of them are explained and illustrated in our Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms, where youll find a name for . . . the assumption that participants in a conversation normally attempt to be informative, truthful, relevant, and clear: cooperative principlethe manner in which an orderly conversation normally takes place: turn-takinga type of turn-taking in which the second utterance (for example, Yes, please) depends on the first (Would you like some coffee?): adjacency paira noise, gesture, word, or expression used by a listener to indicate that he or she is paying attention to a speaker: back-channel signala face-to-face interaction in which one speaker talks at the same time as another speaker to show an interest in the conversation: cooperative overlapspeech that repeats, in whole or in part, what has just been said by another speaker: echo utterancea speech act that expresses concern for others and minimizes threats to self-esteem: politeness strategiesthe conversational convention of casting an imperative statement in question or declarative form (such as Would you pass me the potatoes?) to co mmunicate a request without causing offense: whimperativea particle (such as oh, well, you know, and I mean) thats used in conversation to make speech more coherent but that generally adds little meaning: discourse markera filler word (such as um) or a cue phrase (lets see) used to mark a hesitation in speech: editing termthe process by which a speaker recognizes a speech error and repeats what has been said with some sort of correction: repairthe interactive process by which speakers and listeners work together to ensure that messages are understood as intended: conversational groundingmeaning thats implied by a speaker but not explicitly expressed: conversational implicaturethe small talk that often passes for conversation at social gatherings: phatic communicationa style of public discourse that simulates intimacy by adopting features of informal, conversational language: conversationalization Youll find examples and explanations of these and over 1,500 other language-related expressions in our ever-expanding Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms. Classic Essays on Conversation While conversation has only recently become an object of academic study, our conversational habits and quirks have long been of interest to essayists. (Not surprising if we accept the notion that the essay itself may be regarded as a conversation between writer and reader.) To take part in this ongoing conversation about conversation, follow the links to these eight classic essays. The Musical Instruments of Conversation, by Joseph Addison (1710) I must not here omit the bagpipe species, that will entertain you from morning to night with the repetition of a few notes which are played over and over, with the perpetual humming of a drone running underneath them. These are your dull, heavy, tedious, story-tellers, the load and burden of conversations. Of Conversation: An Apology, by H.G. Wells (1901) These conversationalists say the most shallow and needless of things, impart aimless information, simulate interest they do not feel, and generally impugn their claim to be considered reasonable creatures. . . . This pitiful necessity we are under, upon social occasions, to say something—however inconsequent—is, I am assured, the very degradation of speech. Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation, by Jonathan Swift (1713) This degeneracy of conversation, with the pernicious consequences thereof upon our humours and dispositions, hath been owing, among other causes, to the custom arisen, for sometime past, of excluding women from any share in our society, further than in parties at play, or dancing, or in the pursuit of an amour. Conversation, by Samuel Johnson (1752) No style of conversation is more extensively acceptable than the narrative. He who has stored his memory with slight anecdotes, private incidents, and personal peculiarities, seldom fails to find his audience favourable. On Conversation, by William Cowper (1756) We should try to keep up conversation like a ball bandied to and fro from one to the other, rather than seize it all to ourselves, and drive it before us like a football. Childs Talk, by Robert Lynd (1922) Ones ordinary conversation seems so far beneath the level of a small child. To say to it, What wonderful weather weve been having! would seem an outrage. The child would merely stare. Talking About Our Troubles, by Mark Rutherford (1901) [A]s a rule, we should be very careful for our own sake not to speak much about what distresses us. Expression is apt to carry with it exaggeration, and this exaggerated form becomes henceforth that under which we represent our miseries to ourselves, so that they are thereby increased. Disintroductions by Ambrose Bierce (1902) [W]hat I am affirming is the horror of the characteristic American custom of promiscuous, unsought and unauthorized introductions. You incautiously meet your friend Smith in the street; if you had been prudent you would have remained indoors. Your helplessness makes you desperate and you plunge into conversation with him, knowing entirely well the disaster that is in cold storage for you. These essays on conversation can be found in our large collection of Classic British and American Essays and Speeches.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The New Psychology Field Of Positive Psychology - 928 Words

The new Psychology field of Positive Psychology promotes a â€Å"flourishing† life dedicated to individuals looking to expand the pleasant, engagement and meaning in their life. Many Positive Psychologist use Gratitude Practice as a method of therapy to aid individuals with a wealth of positive constructs. Before looking into Gratitude Practice it is important to begin the research by taking a look at what Positive psychology is. Positive Psychology is a newer field in Psychology focused on the study of the strengths that enable humans and organizations to flourish. Gratitude Practice can help individuals become more optimistic and live healthier lives (Emmons, R.E. McCullough, M. E., 2003) it can lead to greater happiness (Seligman, M. E., 2011) and can lead to improved relationships (Lambert, et. al., 2010). Positive Psychotherapy will also be examined as it pertains to purpose, hope, and life satisfaction in three age groups. Positive Psychology Positive Psychology is seen as the science of positive subjective experience, positive individual traits and positive institutions (Seligman Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Positive Psychology is different from other Psychology fields in its â€Å"empirical study of human flourishing.† Psychological models were developed to come to the aid of negative concepts such as mental illness whereas Positive Psychology was established by Doctor Martin Seligman with hopes of complementing the already in place psychological models andShow MoreRelatedThe Behavioral Perspective Of Clinical Psychology993 Words   |  4 PagesClinical psychology is a relatively new area of study in the broad category of psychology. It is a subfield of psychology that covers a wide range and variety of topics and issues such as the study, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders. 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Based on the text, positive psychology is one of the most important aspects in determining how to enhance the personality by helping individuals recognize their human potential to learn and achieve. In this assignment one will compare the view points of Maslow, Rogers, and the positive psychology movement concerning individual personality. Recent studies have shown that personality theory and assessmentRead MorePsychology : Positive And Negative Psychology1645 Words   |  7 PagesPositive psychology, is a new field of psychology that draw heavily on humanist influences. This area of psychology places its focus on understanding how to enhance our lives by studying what produces our happiness through the use of scientific methods to understand how this affects us leading healthy, happy and successful lives. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The motet Essay Example For Students

The motet Essay The genesis of the motet is, like the biblical birth of Eve, a matter of appendage. In the case of Eve, a rib was removed from Adam and fashioned into a women; the motet was a rib added to pre-existing clausulae. James C. Thomson describes this development as follows: In the thirteenth century, perhaps sooner, it became the practice to add a new text to the upper voice of a clausula. The newly worded, was then called motetus. (Thomson, 56) Despite its somewhat haphazard birth, the form was widely accepted. Grout describes its popularity as: Thousands of motets were written in the thirteenth century; the style spread from Paris throughout France and to all parts of western Europe. (Grout, 99)Originality was not a hallmark of the thirteenth century motet. In fact, of the two essential characteristics of the motet, one was that it was constructed on a cantus firmus, some pre-existent melody (Thomson, 57) The other was that it had at least two different texts. As Grout points out, the st ock of motet melodies, both tenors and upper parts, lay in the public domain; composers and performers freely helped themselves to the music of their predecessors without acknowledgment and altered it without notice. (Grout, 99)A unique characteristic of the motet of this period is the mixing of melodies and rhythms. Alfred Einstein described this technique as: This may be called polymelody, the compulsory combination of the two or more distinct melodies with different rhythms (Einstein, 26) With the acceptance of such combinations came the development of stranger mixtures. Side by side with a sacred liturgical text appeared secular texts of sometimes outrageous contrast. The mixture of sacred and secular text was a result of the fact that less and less notice was taken of the connection between the texts of the tenor and duplum. Einstein theorized this development was arbitrary, however most belief the music is premised on an, internal perception (Bukofzer, 28) and to the musician, to them a detail was a value in itself. (Mathiassen, 70)The motet blended the different planes of music. An additional development in the technique of mixing and adding is that not only was it polyphonic, polyrythmic, and polytextual, but music was now polyglot: one or more vernacular (French) texts might be substituted for Latin ones. (Thomson, 57)During this time, composers of the Notre Dame School concerned themselves with the development of clausulae in rhythmically identical patterns. (Harman, 53) Harman writes: This was not only the culmination of the Notre Dame preoccupation with rhythm, but was also a very important innovation, because it eventually developed into the chief structural device of the fourteenth century motet. (Harman, 53) The structural device alluded to above, goes under name of isorhythm, (same rhythm). At first, this concept of single rhythm was applied solely to the tenor part, but gradually the principle was applied to the other parts. Creating a greater unity and sense of whole to the listener. Philippe de Vitry (1291-1361) was a master of the isorythmic motet. (Thomson, 59) It was he who pioneered the application of the principle to the other parts. He and Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300-c.1377), whose claim that the ear should be used to check a completed composition was the first indication that the combination of the given melodies was beginning to yield to a freer, more individual attitude towards creative art. (Einstein, 34) Machaut was the most prominent practitioner of the strophic motet and preferred the use of French text. (Saide, 625) The fourteenth century also witnessed a change in attitude toward text. The polytextual thirteenth-century motet was replaced by the fourteenth-century forms, which typically had a single text, treated either as a solo (the French ballad) or distributed between the voices in such a way as to keep the words always clearly understandable. (Grout, 157)The development of the motet from the thirte enth to the fifteenth centuries can be characterized as a gradual turning away from the abstract, nonsensuous principles of construction toward pleasure of sounds for their own sake, and toward a clarity of structure immediately apparent from the music itself, without reference to esoteric meanings. (Grout, 157) Many of the motets written during the fourteenth century were constructed in a fashion that has come to be called isoperiodic. In these the phrases were normally kept at the same length but were laid out so as to produce overlaps between the various voices. (Saide, 625) Up until the fifteenth century, the principle of cantus firmus, or pre-existent melody use, was rigidly adhered to. Problems In Intercultural Communication EssayTomas Luis de Victoria, a contemporary of Palestrina, was a more subjective composer of the motet. Though his style is like that of Palestrina, Victoria infuses his music with a mystical intensity, a quality which makes it both thoroughly personal and typically Spanish.(Grout, 273)Orlando di Lasso, another great contemporary of Palestrina, composed in a deeply personal tone. In his motets both the over-all form and the details are generated from a pictorial, dramatic approach to the text.(Grout, 274) Lassos In Hora Ultima demonstrates this approach in the abrupt musical depictions of those worldly vanities(Grout, 274)William Byrd, an English contemporary of Palestrina, is noted for his perfection of the imitative techniques of the Continent and, in contrast to Palestrina, his more intimate, subjective language.(Grout, 276)With the end of the sixteenth century, music history ushers in the baroque period. The three hundred year development of the all important motet has laid the foundation of music for the great composers which would follow. The motet is called one of the most important music styles in history and its contributions have been limitless to our music history. Bukofzer, Manfred F., Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music, W.W. Norton Co. Inc., New York, NY. 1950. Einstein, Alfred., A Short History of Music, Vintage Books, New York, NY. 1954. Grout, Donald J., A History of Western Music, W.W. Norton Co. Inc., New York, NY. 1973. Harman, Alec, Man and His Music, Part One: Medieval and Early Renaissance Music, Schocken Books, New York, NY. 1972. Mathiassen, Finn, The Style of the Early Motet, Dan Fog Musikforlag, Copenhagen, Denmark 1966. Saide, Stanley, The New Groves Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Vol. 12, Macmillan Publishing Ltd., London, England 1980. Thomson, James C., Music Through the Renaissance, Wm. C. Brown Co. Dubuque, Iowa 1968.Bibliography:

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why We Should Keep The Drinking Age At 21 Essays - Drinking Culture

Why We Should Keep The Drinking Age At 21 Why We Should Keep the Drinking Age at Twenty-one By Barry T. Hellman English 116, section 6 Dr. Budler 11 May 2000 Imagine winning the State Basketball Championship. You get back to your house with a few friends and feel a party is in order, so you start drinking a few beers after your parents go to bed. Someone suggests that you drive somewhere to get rid of the empty cans. ?Yes, that's not a bad idea?, so you all pile into the car and take off. A few hours later, your parents receive a telephone call to come down to the station. There has been a terrible accident, and they must identify the body. This is the one phone call all parents dread. This true story is detailed in the Germantown, Tennessee high school newspaper. Stories like this compel me to believe that the legal drinking age should be kept at twenty-one. Almost every state set a legal drinking age of twenty-one, the legal voting age at the time, after prohibition was repealed. Between 1970 and 1975, twenty-nine states lowered the voting age from twenty-one to eighteen, twenty-nine states also lowered their drinking age to eighteen or nineteen. During the late seventies, studies showed that traffic crashes had drastically increased after lowering the drinking age. Once this was announced publicly, many groups created a movement to increase the minimal drinking age, and sixteen states responded. The Uniform Drinking Act was passed in 1984. This strongly encouraged the remaining thirteen states to raise their drinking age. If the states would not agree to do so by 1987, the government said that it would cut highway funding (Encyclopedia of Alcohol and Drugs). Many would argue that when the drinking age were set at twenty-one, there is an unavoidably huge increase in alcohol use when youths, turning twenty-one, ?make up for lost time.? However, a study done by Alexander Wagenaar and PM O'Malley found that when the minimum drinking age was twenty-one, there was a lower use of alcohol after they turn twenty-one. One of the largest arguments in favor of lowering the drinking age is the use of Europe as a comparison. Where as in Europe, where there isn't a prescribed legal age for drinking, the age for obtaining a drivers license is eighteen. Sixteen is the average age for obtaining a license. This lower age for driving in combination with the lowered drinking age incurs a rise in traffic accidents and even death. Drinking before twenty-one causes more deaths than illnesses. On the other hand, those countries have their share of alcohol problems. The rate of alcohol-related diseases such as cirrhosis to the liver is the same, if not higher, as in the United States. Also drunk driving among youth in Europe is lower, but only because the legal driving age in most European countries is higher. Furthermore the use of public transportation is greater in Europe, where as in the United States fewer people take advantage of public transportation. Public transportation is either frowned upon or not ava ilable. It is also argued that even though the legal drinking age is at twenty-one, many youths still can easily obtain and drink alcohol, so the current drinking age doesn't work. It stands to reason to conclude that if the drinking age were lowered to eighteen, even younger children would be using alcohol. This therefore, would have adverse affects on our society, not a positive affect. Because it's illegal for people under twenty-one, many of those people don't drink. Lowering the drinking age would increase alcohol problems among teens, even at an earlier age. (Wagenaar and co. article, page 2) My opinion is further supported by the Correlation between underage drinking and alcohol abuse. Scientists of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism have said that teens that begin drinking before the age of fifteen are four times more likely to become alcoholics. The same institute also found that alcohol abuse doubles, in those who start drinking before the age of fifteen compared to those who first begin drinking at age twenty-one. Continuing, they found that twenty-five percent of those who began drinking before the age of seventeen went on to become alcoholics. Furthermore,

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost free essay sample

â€Å"Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost† Steph Johnson ENG 155 January 23rd, 2012 Professor Jan Ward Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost A long, white beard and curious eyes peering from underneath a largely pointed hat often leave an imprinted image in mind. A scholarly grin and archaic tobacco pipe complete the picture formed. The faint imagery of what a wizard is can only be complete when thinking of Gandalf the Grey. A magic staff and a knowledgeable mind are cause for the quest that Gandalf sets out on in the novel â€Å"The Hobbit† by J. R. R. Tolkien. He can overcome adversity and aid his fellowship of 14 unlikely creatures in their attempt to regain their long-lost home. Gandalf is a venerable wizard and exemplifies a mythological hero throughout his entire written history. Gandalf always seems to be in the right place at the right time with a sort of grace about him, as if always waiting for the perfect moment. We will write a custom essay sample on Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His knowledge of Middle Earth is inexplicable; he rarely misses a beat. Although he is not on a personal quest, he is quick to help those he sees fit. Several times over the fellowship found themselves in a sticky situation, and Gandalf appeared only just in time. Knowledge, a keen eye, the desire to do what is right, and also a grain of mystery are all characteristics residing in Gandalf the Grey. According to Tolkien-Online (2007), â€Å"Tolkien was likely heavily influenced by one of the tales found in the Elder Edda which tells of the Norse god Odin traveling the Earth in the guise of a bearded old man with a staff. Gandalf the Grey shares several similarities with the â€Å"Father God† known as Odin. For instance, he is seen as the overseer of the group. He unintentionally becomes a father figure within the fellowship. He is constantly keeping them out of the trouble they so easily find themselves in on their adventure. Gandalf finds himself in a difficult situation in â€Å"The Fellowship of the Rings† and essentially dies. However, he is simply reincarnated from â€Å"Gandalf the Grey† into a more power ful and poignant â€Å"Gandalf the White,† which is similar to Odin. Odins death upon the tree is really more of a shamanic ritual descent to discover magic runes than an actual death† (Leeming, 1990, p. 162). Although there is physical death, it is not enough to keep these figures from life. Gandalf the Grey exemplifies a mythological hero in the sense that he defies the odds against him (which are a great deal) and overcomes the darkness attempting to pull him in. As a wizard, he is eccentric and hard-headed. He is a necessary character in the story of Middle Earth and without him, the chain of events written about by Tolkien would not have been possible. The purpose of Gandalfs quest in â€Å"The Hobbit† is to take back the Lonely Mountain from the devious dragon known as Smaug, and regain the home for Thorin and his kind once more. Gandalf knows what dismal troubles lie before them and feels a burglar is necessary to join the fellowship. With this information, he invites a hobbit with the name of Bilbo to join the quest, and ultimately shapes the stories that follow with one simple scene. Bilbo encounters a ring and hastily shoves it into his pocket. He thinks little of this and is eventually safely back within the fellowship. Gandalf is curious and aware of what Bilbo may have taken ownership of, but does not mention it for several years (and the following story). The fellowship is successful in defeating Smaug and the dwarves take their original place within the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf is a classic character with simple qualities; he is a strong-willed wizard with more knowledge, and cunning than meets the eye. His quest proves dangerous and he prevails by using several of the mythological characteristics he portrays. He attains striking similarities to the Norse god, Odin. â€Å"Tolkien himself acknowledged the similarity in a 1946 letter, calling Gandalf an â€Å"Odinic wanderer† (Tolkien-Online, 2007). Gandalf is a venerable wizard and exemplifies a mythological hero throughout his entire written history. References Tolkien-Online. (2007). Retrieved from http://www. tolkien-online. com/gandalf. html Leeming, D. A. (1990). The world of myth. New York, New York: Oxford University Press.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why The Most Human Company Wins With Mark Schaefer

Why The Most Human Company Wins With Mark Schaefer Are you dependent on technology? Rely on it to get you through the day? Suffer from shiny object syndrome? What would marketers do without technology? The hope is that technology helps marketers connect with customers in a more personable way. In reality, it’s killing marketings impact. Today, my guest is Mark Schaefer, author of Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins. Mark shares how marketing should create amazing experiences at specific moments to help customers authentically connect with brands. Ready for a wake-up call? Traditional marketing strategies don’t meet customer expectations today Customers Takeover Control: Marketers are losing control of brand’s story, voice, and customer journey Where the action is: Shift focus from relying on technology and automation to actually talking to customers Human-centered Marketing Approach: Resonate with consumers and remove barriers by remembering what it’s like to be a customer Purpose of Marketing: Build emotional connections by bringing people together Experiential Marketing: Create encounter worthy of consumers giving brands their attention and sharing their story Testimonial Stats: Content about a brand created by a consumer gets 600% more engagement than content created by brand Taking Social out of Social Media: Easy button for automation and technology is opposite of what customers want; marketers have a way of ruining every medium Hurdles to Overcome: Organizational, cultural, leadership, and measurement Meaning is the New Marketing: Consumers want brands that represent values Levels of Loyalty: Shared Values: Take a stand to connect in a way that pushes loyalty Show up and Represent: Unifying and uplifting to display beliefs Dangerous Territory: Not every company needs to take stand/political view Words of Wisdom: Remember what its like to be a customer Be more human in everything you do Links: Mark Schaefer Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins Marketing Companion Podcast The new battleground for marketing-led growth Talk Triggers by Jay Baer Tesla An Emotional Connection Matters More than Customer Satisfaction Earth Day Habitat for Humanity Nike Nearly Dropped Colin Kaepernick Before Embracing Him Write a review on iTunes and send a screenshot of it to receive cool swag! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Mark Schaefer: â€Å"Two-thirds of our marketing is occurring without us. The customer is in control. Advertising, loyalty, and the sales funnel are sort of in decline or, they’re gone.† â€Å"Marketing is about building emotional connections. Its hard to create an emotional connection to an ad, or a logo, or to a branded content; create connections to people.† â€Å"Wed rather not have a human voice in our company. Wed rather use personas and do automated messaging. Our social media presence has become soulless.† People want to know what you stay in for, what do you do, how do you treat your employees.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English liturature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English liturature - Essay Example One of the ways smaller merchants secured a future for their family name was by marrying off their daughters to wealthier merchants or noblemen. Daniel Rice (2008) points out that some of the common features of marriage in those days were the payment of a high price for the marriage certificate, the whole family became committed to the arrangement and the marriage was court ordered once the bond payments had been received. Little, if any, interest was given to the two parties getting married and this often led to other problems within the marriage contract. These issues are explored to some depth in a series of paintings by William Hogarth, executed around 1745. In this series of paintings, Hogarth shows the progression of a marriage from the initial signing of the contract through the young couples’ accustomed activities with each other and with others to end finally in their individual deaths at a relatively young age. The first image depicts the signing of the contract in which only the older members of the group seem to take any interest. The groom seems to be playing cards in corner while the bride flirts with the lawyer directly behind his back. Neither one seems overly concerned with the activities of the other. The group of men gathered around the table seems to be trying to work through the contract document, but it seems more of a distraction than the serious business deal it actually is. Meanwhile, one of the older gentlemen, presumably the groom’s father, stands looking out the window admiring the new mansion he’s building. Thus, this painting sets up the concept of marriage as little more than a business ar rangement which must bring some kind of materially mutual benefit to the families involved with very little concern for the interests and abilities of the two people who will have to live with each